Welcome to Peak Lifestyle.
My name is Matt Schwanke.
I've been a Physician Associate since 2011; mostly working in adult primary care, but I also have experience in urgent care and orthopedics. Through my medical experience I've found a real passion to help and follow along with people on their wellness journeys. I have been married to my wife, Holland, since 2009. We have three whacky kids that keep us on our toes. Olsen is 10 and enjoys lacrosse. Whitaker is 8 and can be found doing cartwheels wherever she'd please. Arlo is 6 and is likely hiding out reading in his tent.
Peak Lifestyle was born out of my desire to help more people live healthier lives. While I love my full-time job in clinical practice, there are certain constraints that make it difficult to apply appropriate focus on a lifestyle approach to health and wellness. Plus, I can only help a certain number of people each day and only in this small section of North Carolina. So I became a Certified Health Coach to follow my passion to coach and follow along with clients along their wellness journey. I have successfully guided people to lose weight as well as optimizing or reversing chronic conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
Why Choose Peak?
Peak is a unique lifestyle change program because it is lead by a health coach with extensive health education and over a decade of real-world experience helping people improve their health. Beware of programs promising you specific weight loss as this is often achieved through crash diets that ultimately create an unhealthy relationship with food and leads to yo-yo dieting. If they are selling you supplements, they care more about moving product than coaching. My promise to you is that we will work together to identify and overcome barriers that have prevented you from achieving your goals in the past.
Popular Plans
Starter Package
A 5 session package including an initial, comprehensive intake visit. Use the remaining 4 visits at your preferred interval. Best used weekly as a jumpstart toward your desired lifestyle change.
Accountability Club
A 6 week introduction to healthy lifestyle changes. You will learn to understand nutrition labels, which will lead to a better appreciation for the quality of food and the roles of different macronutrients. We will also discuss exercise, normal physiology, and disease prevention.
Smoking Cessation
An intensive lifestyle approach that has been well documented to prevent progression of pre diabetes as well as reversal of diabetes. This program includes both educational and motivational interviewing components.
All sessions and documentation will be completed virtually with HIPAA compliant software.